We love charts
On line chart design for your family tree charts.

Design is fully interactive & free

Our system will draw your chart for you. You can move the boxes around, edit the data on the chart, add footnotes, portraits, notes and pictures.

Then we can print a high quality chart for you using a variety of different roll papers and sizes plus A3 sheets.
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© 2012 - 2025 webtreeprint.com
Last updated 15 Feb 2025
fully configurable
Upload a GEDCOM or input your details
Choose from 10 different chart types & infinite variations
Support for most languages: Chinese to Javanese!
Add portraits and footnotes in boxes
Add notes and pictures anywhere
Include borders and/or backgrounds
Edit line charts by dragging boxes
Ancestors charts can include ancestors of spouse(s) and can also include siblings
Expand & contract families on your chart
Got a chart you want printed?Click here for details
Need help?Click here
Step 1Without a GEDCOM it is simple to enter your family tree data with an easy to use screen.

Just complete step 2 below, then read the instructions in step 3.

If you do have a GEDCOM file, then follow the alternative instructions by clicking here.

Step 2Now you need to create a user name and password. We ask this so that we can keep your data private. You also have the option to ask us to keep you up to date with any new features or changes to the web site. Please note that we will never disclose your details to any third party, nor will we bombard you with sales emails.

When all fields have been completed click the submit button in the bottom right corner of this step.
Letters, numbers, dot or underscore only, max 20 characters
Minimum 6, maximum 15 characters
 First name
 Last name
 Personal greeting
How should we address you when we write to you (enter like 'John' or 'Mr Smith')
No thank you    Yes please
Our newsletter will keep you up to date with any changes or additions to the web site. We send these out no more than once per month, and then only if we have something to say!

Step 3Now you are ready to start creating your first chart.

When you click the continue button you will see an input screen. This is arranged with the 'main person' in a box - by default this will be yourself - change it if necessary. Above this box is a box for the father & mother. To the right is a box for the spouse, and below are lines for the children.

Just enter whatever information you know into any of the boxes. If you click the red arrows that will appear (after an update) against known persons, that will move the person to be the 'main person'. Assuming you have entered yourself as the 'main person', and have also entered your father's name, click 'Update', then clicking on the red arrow that will appear against your father will move him to be the 'main person', so you can then enter your grandfather's details, etc.

Whenever you click the red arrows your data is saved automatically. Otherwise just click the 'Update' button to save any changes.

Dates can be entered in virtually any format you like. If we cannot work out what you mean the date will turn red.

When you are ready just click the 'Create a new chart' button.
